Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Common Causes!!

The most common headaches are probably caused by contracted muscles in the shoulders, neck, scalp and jaw. These are called tension headaches. These headaches are often related to stress, depression or anxiety. The fact overwork, insufficient sleep, skipping meals and using alcohol or drugs can make you more susceptible to them. Similarly, the headaches can be triggered by chocolate, cheese or glutamate. People who consume caffeine can have headaches when they do not get their usual daily amount.

Other common causes include:

* Keep your head in one position for a long time, like at a computer, microscope, or typewriter
* Poor sleep position
* Overexerting
* Clenching or grinding your teeth

Among the rare causes of headache include:

* Cerebral Aneurysm
* Brain tumor
* Stroke or transient ischemic
* Brain infection like meningitis or encephalitis

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Headache Prevention

The following healthy habits can lessen stress and reduce the chance of getting headaches:

* Sleep well
* Eat a healthy diet
* Exercise regularly
* Pull the neck and upper body, especially if your work involves typing or using a computer
* Learn to take proper posture
* Stop smoking
* Learn to relax using meditation, deep breathing, yoga or other techniques
* Use suitable goggles, if necessary

Tips to Stop Headaches Before They Start

  1. Keep sleeping habits regular. Try to sleep at least 6-8 hours per night and try to stick to the same sleeping schedule. Too little sleep (and sometimes too much) can cause a headache.
  2. Eliminate unnecessary stress. We know: easier said than done. But anything you can do to reduce stress and tension in your life will help decrease your chances of getting headaches. Here are some ideas:
    • Take breaks: break up long car trips, intense study, or stressful work projects into sections
    • Relax through meditation: Consider making stress-relievers such as yoga, meditation or massage a regular part of your routine.
    • Get treated: Psychological treatments such as relaxation therapy, biofeedback and even hypnosis are helpful
  3. Get a healthy amount of exercise. Exercise keeps the body and mind healthy in many ways, but perhaps most importantly for headache sufferers, it releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. One theory of why some people get severe headaches is that headache sufferers simply have fewer endorphins than other people. Anything you can do to increase endorphins may help. Careful though: very strenuous exercise can cause the type of bodily stress that contributes to headaches. Again, be reasonable. Stick to exercises and activities that make you feel good and reduce stress, not those—say, bungee jumping--that might increase it.
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Migraines More Frequent, Intense in Overweight Kids

The more overweight children and teens are, the more numerous and severe their headaches, according to a U.S. study. But losing weight eases the frequency and severity of the headaches, the researchers said.

The study, conducted at seven pediatric headache centers, found that 34.1 percent of patients were either overweight (17.5 percent) or at risk of becoming overweight. That's similar to rates of overweight in the general child/teen population.

The researchers analyzed data collected on 913 patients at the start of the study, and again at three and six months, and found evidence of a link between weight and headaches.

"Among children who are overweight at their initial headache center visit, a change in their body mass index (BMI) was associated with a change in the frequency of their headaches over time," study lead author Dr. Andrew Hershey, director of the Headache Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, said in a hospital news release. "While we can't claim a causal link between obesity and headache, the association suggests some physiological or environmental processes that are common to both conditions," he said.

The findings, published online in the journalHeadache, have important implications for clinical practice, according to Hershey.

"Physicians should actively consider a child's weight in the context of treatments for headaches," he said. "They should routinely assess weight and BMI and be prepared to offer weight control information at the initial treatment visit."

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Headaches During Pregnancy

To prevent headaches during pregnancy:

  • Avoid headache triggers. Keep track of your meals, activities and headaches for several days to help pinpoint your headache triggers — then do your best to avoid your triggers.
  • Include physical activity in your daily routine. Try a daily walk or other gentle aerobic exercise.
  • Practice relaxation exercises. Calming activities such as deep breathing, yoga and visualization can help keep headaches at bay.
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. This can keep your blood sugar on an even keel, which may help prevent headaches.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Staying hydrated can keep you feeling your best.
  • Keep a regular sleep schedule. Fatigue and lack of sleep can contribute to headaches during pregnancy. Go to bed and wake up at about the same time every day, even on weekends.
  • Maintain good posture. Poor posture or muscle tension can result in headaches, especially as you gain weight to support your pregnancy.
  • Consider biofeedback. With this mind-body technique, you learn to control certain bodily functions — such as muscle tension, heart rate and blood pressure — to prevent headaches or reduce headache pain. If you'd like to try biofeedback, ask your health care provider for a referral to a biofeedback therapist.

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