Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Common Causes!!

The most common headaches are probably caused by contracted muscles in the shoulders, neck, scalp and jaw. These are called tension headaches. These headaches are often related to stress, depression or anxiety. The fact overwork, insufficient sleep, skipping meals and using alcohol or drugs can make you more susceptible to them. Similarly, the headaches can be triggered by chocolate, cheese or glutamate. People who consume caffeine can have headaches when they do not get their usual daily amount.

Other common causes include:

* Keep your head in one position for a long time, like at a computer, microscope, or typewriter
* Poor sleep position
* Overexerting
* Clenching or grinding your teeth

Among the rare causes of headache include:

* Cerebral Aneurysm
* Brain tumor
* Stroke or transient ischemic
* Brain infection like meningitis or encephalitis

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